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【双语】分享 多莉·帕顿 17条激励自我的成功名言

时间:2023-09-02 21:09:50 爱情语句
I Will Always Love You-多莉.帕顿,文斯.吉尔.mp33:19来自Mr政论

多莉·帕顿(Dolly Parton)于1946年1月19日出生在田纳西州的一个小镇上,以其独特的声音、流行的乡村音乐曲风以及多才多艺的才华而闻名




Are you the eternal optimist in your family or the rah-rah- cheerleader in your group of friends? Or maybe youre the neighbor who always sees the silver lining. Or perhaps youre the-glass-is-half-full gal in the office. While its tough being Miss Happy all the time, its the role everyone appreciates and admires. Its the person we always count on for brightening up the room and an entire day.

你是家里永远的乐观主义者,还是朋友圈子里的啦啦队队长? 或者也许您是总能看到一线希望的邻居。 或者也许你是办公室里的“杯子还满了一半”的女孩。 虽然快乐小姐一直很艰难,但却是每个人都欣赏和钦佩的角色。 我们总是依靠他来照亮房间和一整天。

But, the truth is, every now and then, even the most upbeat and positive people need a little something extra to get them smiling through life. As it turns out, we all have bad days–but we all take them at our own personal pace. While self-motivation is important, it isnt always easy. Good days are the best days; bad days require a little extra boost from someone or something. Weve all been there: Googling "quotes on happiness" or liking Instagram posts with wonderful sayings and beautiful real people or repinning inspiring quotes. Some of us even have dedicated Pinterest boards on inspiring phrases. Yes, those private boards count too.

但事实是,即使是最乐观、最积极的人有时也需要一些额外的东西来让他们微笑地度过生活。 事实证明,我们都有糟糕的日子,但我们都按照自己的节奏度过这些日子。 虽然自我激励很重要,但这并不总是那么容易。 美好的日子,就是最好的日子; 糟糕的日子需要某人或某事的一点额外推动。 我们都经历过这样的情况:在谷歌上搜索“关于幸福的名言”,或者喜欢 Instagram 上有精彩谚语和美丽真人的帖子,或者转发鼓舞人心的名言。 我们中的一些人甚至拥有专门的 Pinterest 版块,上面有鼓舞人心的短语。 是的,那些私人董事会也很重要。

We can all use some good old-fashioned motivation to get us through tough days. They range from quotes on faith and beauty, powerful words from famous Southern authors on life, lyrics from notable musicians, and lines from some of our favorite books. And then there are individuals who always seem to know the right thing to say at the right time. Cue our favorite lady from Tennessee. Shes graceful, poised, passionate, and shared so much wisdom and truths over the years that its hard to keep track (but we did).

我们都可以利用一些好的老式动机来帮助我们度过艰难的日子。 其中包括关于信仰和美丽的名言、著名南方作家关于生活的有力话语、著名音乐家的歌词以及我们最喜欢的一些书籍中的台词。 还有一些人似乎总是知道在正确的时间说正确的话。 提示我们最喜欢的田纳西州女士。 她优雅、沉着、热情,多年来分享了如此多的智慧和真理,以至于很难追踪(但我们做到了)。

Dolly Parton has beaten the dark times by always looking and finding the rainbow. Since this is the time of year for graduations and new jobs, we rounded up a few of her memorable quotes on success that will inspire us all to keep opening those doors to your next, big adventure.

多莉·帕顿(Dolly Parton)始终寻找并找到彩虹,从而战胜了黑暗时期。 由于这是一年中毕业和新工作的时候,我们收集了她关于成功的一些令人难忘的名言,这些名言将激励我们所有人继续打开通往下一次大冒险的大门。

"Im not going to limit myself just because people wont accept the fact that I can do something else." - Dolly Parton

“我不会仅仅因为人们不接受我可以做其他事情的事实而限制自己。” ——多莉·帕顿

"I do believe that any successful business starts from the top and works its way down." - Dolly Parton

“我确实相信任何成功的企业都是从上层开始,然后一路向下的。” ——多莉·帕顿

"Storms make trees take deeper roots." - Dolly Parton

“暴风雨使树木扎根更深。” ——多莉·帕顿

"My songs are like my children - I expect them to support me when Im old." - Dolly Parton

“我的歌曲就像我的孩子——我希望他们在我老的时候支持我。” ——多莉·帕顿

"My songs are the door to every dream Ive ever had and every success Ive ever achieved." - Dolly Parton

“我的歌曲是通往我曾经拥有的每一个梦想和我所取得的每一个成功的大门。” ——多莉·帕顿

"When I got somethin to say, Ill say it." - Dolly Parton

“当我有话要说时,我就会说。” ——多莉·帕顿

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton

“在我看来,如果你想要彩虹,就必须忍受风雨。” ——多莉·帕顿

"You always want your people to be proud of what you have accomplished." - Dolly Parton

“你总是希望你的员工为你所取得的成就感到自豪。” ——多莉·帕顿

"Being a star just means that you just find your own special place, and that you shine where you are." - Dolly Parton

“成为明星只意味着你找到了自己特别的位置,并且在自己所在的地方发光发热。” ——多莉·帕顿

"Tell me I have to be somewhere, and Ill be there 20 minutes early and stay there longer than anybody else. You hold up a lot of people if youre not on time." - Dolly Parton

“告诉我我必须去某个地方,我会提前 20 分钟到达那里,并且比其他人待得更久。如果你不准时,就会耽误很多人。” ——多莉·帕顿

"You know, I look like a woman but I think like a man. And in this world of business, that has helped me a lot. Because by the time they think that I dont know whats goin on, I then got the money, and am gone." - Dolly Parton

“你知道,我看起来像个女人,但我像个男人一样思考。在这个商业世界里,这对我帮助很大。因为当他们认为我不知道发生了什么时,我就得到了 钱了,我就走了。” ——多莉·帕顿

"I know who I am, I know what I can and cant do. I know what I will and wont do. I know what Im capable of and I dont agree to do things that I dont think I can pull off." - Dolly Parton

“我知道我是谁,我知道我能做什么和不能做什么。我知道我会做什么和不会做什么。我知道我能做什么,我不同意做我不会做的事情” 我想我可以成功。” ——多莉·帕顿

"If you dont like the road youre walking, start paving another one." - Dolly Parton

“如果你不喜欢你正在走的路,那就开始铺另一条路。” ——多莉·帕顿

"You gotta keep trying to find your niche and trying to fit into whatever slot thats left for you or to make one of your own." - Dolly Parton

“你必须不断努力寻找自己的定位,并努力适应剩下的任何位置,或者创造一个属于你自己的位置。” ——多莉·帕顿

【双语】分享 多莉·帕顿 17条激励自我的成功名言(图1)

摘自 Southern Living