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金句文案 | 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸

时间:2023-09-03 07:32:03 心情短语
金句文案 | 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸(图1)

1、 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸。

Dont want to work, breathe if you agree.

2、 不介意孤独,比爱你舒服。

Not minding being alone is more comfortable than loving you.

金句文案 | 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸(图2)

3、 现实如水母,看似美好无害实质总是致命伤人。

Reality is like a jellyfish, seemingly beautiful and harmless but always deadly.

4、 泼出去的水是收不回来的,已刻成舟的木头是无法恢复原状的,悔恨无任何益处,别把事情弄得更糟。

You cant take back water that has been spilt, you cant restore wood that has been carved into a boat, remorse doesnt do any good, dont make things worse.

金句文案 | 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸(图3)

5、 人的心灵是脆弱的,难以做到为自己恨的人祈祷。原谅不可原谅的人,并为之祈祷,这就是上帝的爱。

The human heart is fragile and finds it difficult to be able to pray for those whom it hates. Forgiving the unforgivable and praying for them is the love of God.

6、 第十四届全国运动会主题:全民全运,同心同行。——摘自人民日报

The theme of the 14th National Games: All for All, All for One. --From Peoples Daily

金句文案 | 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸(图4)

7、 有风有雨是人生的常态,迎难而上才能逆风翻盘。——摘自人民日报

Winds and rains are the norm in life, but only by rising to the challenge can we turn the tide. --From Peoples Daily

8、 聪明人不注意自己不可能得到的东西,也不会为它烦恼。

A wise man pays no attention to what he cannot possibly get, nor does he fret over it.

金句文案 | 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸(图5)

9、 从容不迫的举止,比起咄咄逼人的态度,更能令人心折。

An unhurried demeanour is much more compelling than an aggressive attitude.

10、 人生就如一台戏,它需要每一个角色,

Life is like a theatre, it needs every role,


black, white, red, green, complete, mutilated and so on, and none of them is necessary.


Nature has its laws, and the play and stage have their rules.


Learning, analysing, absorbing, being smart, changing, adapting, and being happy are the basic attitudes we should have to play each role well.

金句文案 | 不想上班了,同意的请呼吸(图6)
